Pictures for Exhibition in Paper Gallery

lobsterThe theme for the group exhibition was which we could interpret how we wanted. For my images I wanted to make one image with one object, one with two and so on. My first image is of a lobster (which I actually had to buy) frozen in ice. I wanted to show the transparency distortion caused by the ice and its contrast with the emerging lobster. I wanted to use classical still life objects but combine them with more modern elements; in this case the rubber band and the ice, in the others it tends to be plastic packaging.
latticeTwo fruit lattices in a paper bag with a plastic strip. I quite like the rendering of the different textures in this painting, during the painting the object was throw away by the cleaner so I had to buy another one. This means that the plastic panel is not as accurate and has been made up a bit. plumThis is three plums in a plastic bag, it was quite enjoyable painting this as the plastic provided a challenge. The  trouble was that the plums ripened during the process of the painting and thus changed colour, they were probably a nicer colour at the end but it was a bit late as I had already done the highlights.fishThe last is four fillets of peppered mackerel in a vacuum sealed pack. This was the hardest of the four to paint as it as all the details were tiny even when blown up to this scale (A2). I was also concerned that some people didn’t realise that the actual object was vacuum packed, maybe this effect was too subtle for real life. This one does seem a little bit flat in some areas.

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